Ellen Kennedy Living Center

Assisted Living Program
64 Licensed Beds
1177 7th Street Sw
Dyersville, IA 52040
Gallery Image for Ellen Kennedy Living Center in Dyersville, IA
Gallery Image for Ellen Kennedy Living Center in Dyersville, IA
Gallery Image for Ellen Kennedy Living Center in Dyersville, IA
Gallery Image for Ellen Kennedy Living Center in Dyersville, IA
Gallery Image for Ellen Kennedy Living Center in Dyersville, IA
Gallery Image for Ellen Kennedy Living Center in Dyersville, IA
Community Overview
Licensed Beds


Ellen Kennedy Living Center, located in Dyersville, Iowa, is an affordable retirement community for seniors age 55+ who want the benefits and security of living in a homelike environment. We offer just the right amount of services to allow you or your loved one to live independently for as long as possible. Our 120,000-square-foot facility includes 32 assisted-living units and 26 independent-living units. Medicaid financial assistance is available on the assisted living level based on availability and if you meet the state and federal criteria. The center is located next to MercyOne Dyersville Medical Center and is managed by MercyOne Dubuque Medical Center.

Employment Opportunities

Part time Registered Nurse for assisted living facility with 32 apartments. Flexible schedule, some on call by phone required.
Care for tenants in assisted and independent living facility with 58 apartments. Perform medication administration, bathing, dressing, grooming, meal delivery, serving & clean up, customer service, e...


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