Adult Small Group Home (Capacity 1-6)
6 Licensed Beds
3446 East Lake Lansing Road
East Lansing, MI 48823
Community Overview
Licensed Beds


Specializing in providing Behavioral Services in Residential, Vocational and Community Supports to Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury and Cognitive Impairments. Interventions are designed to enhance personal functioning and community progress and are best implemented in settings most closely resembling a natural learning environment. Systematic training to improve skills promotes the dignity of independence. At CBI Rehabilitation Services, Inc., service programs are interdisciplinary, utilizing existing community resources as much as possible. Programs are comprehensive and may be lifelong. Using the best management and business practices available, CBI Rehabilitation Services Inc. is able to respond quickly to changing conditions while promoting innovation as an ongoing objective of the agency.

Employment Opportunities

ESSENTIAL DUTIES 1. Supervises clients directly or is aware of general whereabouts of clients (depending upon assessed level of assistance needed). 2. Implementation of individualized systematic b...


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