Huntleigh Care Homes, LLC - Cedar Creek

Assisted Living Facility
7 Licensed Beds
3259 Cedar Creek Trail
Frisco, TX 75034
Community Overview
Licensed Beds


My name is Hunt and my wife is Leigh. Together we started HuntLeigh Care Homes which is a residential care home assisting seniors and specializing in memory care. We have three care homes in Frisco and we are passionate about what we do. Our mission: is to provide dignified for seniors in the comfort of a residential home through compassionate and personalized care while promoting physical, mental, and emotional health. We are successful by hiring, training and retaining the very best caregivers who embody our vision which is to treat every resident and their family as our own family. We live this every day which is why we have earned a 5 star rating from our families and our industry partners. Once you meet Hunt and Leigh, you will know why their homes and the service they provide is very different. Please give us a call to learn more about what makes us unique. Thank you and have a blessed day.

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