Residential Care Elderly
6 Licensed Beds
83-617 Himilaya Drive
Indio, CA 92203
Community Overview
Licensed Beds


Desert cottages is a 6 bed residential care facility. We care for individuals with Alzheimer’s and dementia and also those on hospice. We assist with every day activities. We also accept ALW waivers, long term cares and Veterans benefits. For further information check out our website


Alzheimers and Dementia

Current Vacancies

DESERT COTTAGE Assisted Living Home Image in INDIO, CA
CareListings Vacancy Available Icon}
Private Room
Male or Female
ALW waiver accepted
DESERT COTTAGE Assisted Living Home Image in INDIO, CA
CareListings Vacancy Available Icon}
Shared Room
Male or Female
ALW waiver accepted
*First month discounts may be available to new residents who contact care providers directly, without using a referral or placement service that charges a fee to the care provider. Additional conditions may apply,

Employment Opportunities

Care staff provide care for individuals that have memory impairment such as Alz and/or Dementia. We also deal with behaviors. 6 month experience is recommended. We assist them with everything from Ba...
Care staff provide care for individuals that have memory impairment such as Alz and/or Dementia. We also deal with behaviors. 6 month experience is recommended. We assist them with everything from Ba...


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