PineHill Assisted Living at Kimball Farms

Assisted Living Residence
Community Overview


Pinehill Assisted Living At Kimball Farms is a licensed Assisted Living Residence in Lenox, MA. Assisted Living Residence(s) are licensed individually by state or local governments and surveys are typically completed by local entities, such as the Department of Aging or Verteran's Services. Long-Term Care Ombudsman serve as advocates for residents of all licensed long term care settings.

Please visit your state government website to learn more about the level of care provided by Assisted Living Residence(s) in MA. Pinehill Assisted Living At Kimball Farms can be contacted at (413) 637-7000 or submit a request for more information.

Unless Pinehill Assisted Living At Kimball Farms is also certified by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Assisted Living Residence(s) do not accept Medicare as payment for any care services. However, Assisted Living Residence(s) such as Pinehill Assisted Living At Kimball Farms play a critical role in caring for seniors and bringing peace of mind to families in need of care for loved ones. The long-term costs for non-acute care at Assisted Living Residence(s) is typically much lower than living in a nursing home full-time.

Employment Opportunities

At Fairview Commons, we have been part of the community since 1976, providing area families with top-quality skilled nursing care for short-term rehabilitation and long-term care. We focus on maximizi...
We are looking for a Registered Nurse (RN) to join our team. Summary: The primary purpose of this position is to provide basic nursing care to residents while maintaining all standards of professi...
We are looking for a skilled Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) to become part of our facility’s compassionate care-giving team. The CNA will interact directly with residents, providing comfort, and as...


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