Community-based Residential Facility - Ambulatory
24 Licensed Beds
5427 W Villard Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53218

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JRH is a AODA residential treatment facility. We work with clients from multiple counties. To obtain services, please contact an access point in your county to be referred as there are waitlists for treatment. Some access points for Milwaukee County include: CARS 9455 W. Watertown Plank Rd. 414-257-8095 IMPACT 6737 W. Washington St., Suite 2225 414-649-4380 M&S Clinical Services 2821 N. 4th St. 414-263-6000 Justice Point 414-278-2140 Wisconsin Community Services 414-343-3569


Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Treatment
Substance Abuse Treatment



F User Rating for
"A resident reported rodents in his room one evening, but was told by staff "that it was not their problem." He was moved to another room, and told to return to the initial room despite the fact that no action was taken about rodents. He shared with me that after and Administrative staff left other staff took masks and wore them on their chins! Residents seem to "run" the program, and there is a need for review of what is going on at this program."
Friend of Resident | Male | 67 Years Old | Milwaukee, WI
3 years ago
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