Housing With Services
4605 Fairhills Road East
Minnetonka, MN 55345
Community Overview


Gianna Homes – Sursum Corda is a large walk-out rambler style home located on a one and one-half acre wooded lot in a quiet residential neighborhood of Minnetonka. All of our resident rooms are on the main level where we also have four (4) bathrooms (two being very large with a full handicap shower), a kitchen, a dining room, a four season porch with views of the woods, a parlor, solarium, a living room with fireplace, and an elevator which takes residents to the lower level. The lower level features a large family room (where we hold activities), a chapel, a laundry room, a carport (for covered access), our offices, and an additional bathroom. The lower level opens out to a beautiful, fenced patio and garden area with walkways, a fountain, and abundant wildlife. There is a generous amount of natural light, as well as artificial lighting to maintain the safety of our residents as they age and sight and gait diminish. There are handrails throughout the home. The home is modestly but tastefully decorated to promote independence and comfort.


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