Our residents benefit from Doctors that provide onsite visits to each location currently we Internal Medicine Doctor, Podiatrist, Social Workers and mobile Dentistry that can provide services at each location.
Residents and or their DPOA can choose if they would like to have their loved one treated by the visiting medical services provider or go to their choice of provider. The choice of medical services will depend on the health insurance of the resident. Blood draws, x-rays and even ultrasound has been and can be done at the facility, these types of services have to be ordered by the doctor and approved by the health plan.
Physical therapy, Occupational therapy, Speech therapy and skilled nurse visits are ordered by the residents Doctor and provided to Golden Coast residents by the authorized Home Health Agency, this is usually done by the residents medical group.
End of life care is available when ordered by the residents MD, these services are provided through a Licensed Hospice Company. Golden Coast Senior Living can help the family connect with Hospice Company that is local. We invite you to come and tour our facilities and meet our staff and residents.
We offer 10 Golden Coast Senior Living locations throughout Orange County. The homes are located close to hospitals, medical services, shopping, and senior community centers. Looking forward to helping you with your search for the right facility for your loved one!
-Usha Villarreal, RN
Current Vacancies
Save 10% on First Month*
$4,000 - $4,500 / Month
Shared Room
Male Only
Large master bedroom- Share with a delightful male resident
*First month discounts may be available to new residents who contact care providers directly, without using a referral or placement service that charges a fee to the care provider. Additional conditions may apply,
Employment Opportunities
Caregiver and Nursing Jobs
Are you a CNA, LPN/LVN, RN or an experienced caregiver? Access the most senior care employers in one place on CareListings – for free.
Please exercise responsible anonymity when submitting a review. Reviews should pertain to the senior living experience, quality of care, and/or value of services rendered by the assisted living community.