Dialysis Facility | Medicare Certified
16 Dialysis Stations
24467 W 10 Mile Road
Southfield, MI 48033


Riverwood Dialysis is a Medicare Certified End-Stage Renal Dialysis (ESRD) facility located in Southfield, MI. Riverwood Dialysis is certified by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). In order for Riverwood Dialysis to be included in the Medicare program, they are required to meet specific safety and quality standards. Riverwood Dialysis can be contacted at (248) 352-3137 or submit a request for more information.

Dialysis Facilities are also one of the Medicare certified provider types who are participate in the CMS Quality initiatives in order to accept Medicare for payment. To learn more Dialysis Facility quality measure performances, Medicare five star ratings, survey report information, patient-to-staffing ratios and more, please view the Medicare Report for Riverwood Dialysis.

The services provided by Riverwood Dialysis in Southfield, MI may include: Hemodialysis,



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