Specialized Services & Personnel, Inc.

Home Care Agency
301 N Sycamore St
Aberdeen, NC 28315


We believe that all individuals have the right to safely live, participate, and work in the community of their choice. Through collaborative efforts within the community, Specialized Services, Inc. will help to secure a safe and fulfilling environment for the individuals we serve and for the organization as a whole. It is the vision of Specialized Services & Personnel, Inc. that each individual we support, and every member of our organization will confidently and fully participate in the community of their choice and that each individual reaches a level of independence that goes beyond their own personal goals.

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Homecare Agencies near Aberdeen, NC

1947 Fairforest Dr
Fayetteville, NC 28304
5425 Murchison Rd, Suite A
Fayetteville, NC 28311
4140 Ferncreek Drive, Suite 501
Fayetteville, NC 28314
2929 Breezewood Ave
Fayetteville, NC 28303
4908 Barker Ten Mile Road
Lumberton, NC 28358
5522 Mcqueen Road
Ramseur, NC 27316
102 S. Wilson Avenue, Suite L
Dunn, NC 28334
260 Magnolia Square Ct.
Aberdeen, NC 28315
1806 N. Sandhills Blvd.
Aberdeen, NC 28374
292 Commerce Avenue
Southern Pines, NC 28387