Personal Care Agency
12051 North Ithica Drive
Highland, UT 84003


December Rose Senior Care is a local in-home care agency owned and operated by Alan and Stephanie Jones in Highland, Utah. While both Alan and Stephanie bring professional and practical experience to their business, it has been the fulfilling and educational aspects of assisting their parents through the aging process as well as raising their five children that encouraged them to start a personal care agency. In particular it was the humbling experience of caring for a special needs son and moving a parent from in-home care to assisted living that helped them realize there are many families who are caring for loved ones that need help. Their desire is to combine these experiences with over twenty years of medical sales and marketing, eleven years working with senior and elder populations among our Veterans and Native Americans, serving on multiple school boards and local legislative roles, to develop in-home care that exceeds expectations and honors seniors as the foundation of this country.

Approximate Coverage Area


Activities of Daily Living ADLs
instrumental Activities of Daily Living iADLs

Employment Opportunities

The Job Description outlines your primary responsibilities as a caregiver. This description is not meant to be an exhaustive list of services as the exact duties to be performed for each assignment wi...


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