Ascension Borgess Allegan Hospital is a Medicare Certified 25 Bed General Hospital located in Allegan, MI, with service to the surrounding community. Ascension Borgess Allegan Hospital is certified by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Ascension Borgess Allegan Hospital, as well as other Hospitals,are institutions primarily engaged in providing care under the supervision of physicians, inpatient diagnostics, and therapeutic services. Ascension Borgess Allegan Hospital can be contacted at (269) 686-4101 .
Depending on the type of hospital, hospital certification is subject to various standards. General Hospitals are one of the Medicare certified provider types who participate in the CMS Quality initiative program in order to accept Medicare for payment. To learn more Hospital quality measure performances, Medicare five star ratings, survey report information, patient-to-staffing ratios and more, please view the Medicare Report for Ascension Borgess Allegan Hospital.
The services provided by Ascension Borgess Allegan Hospital in Allegan, MI may include: Anesthesia, Clinical Laboratory, Dietary, Inpatient Rehabilitation, Occupational Therapy, Outpatient Psychiatry, Outpatient Rehabilitation, Outpatient Services, Physical Therapy, Post-Operative Recovery, Respiratory Care, Social Services, Speech Pathology, Chemotherapy, CT Scans, Diagnostic Radiology, MRI, Nuclear Medicine, Therapeutic Radiology, Emergency Psychiatry, Inpatient Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Dedicated Emergency Department, Operating Room, Outpatient Surgery Unit, Trauma Center,