Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
6 Licensed Beds
825 N Kellogg
Santa Barbara, CA 93111


Milton House is a Medicaid Certified 6 Bed Intermediate Care Facility located in Santa Barbara, CA, with service to the surrounding community. Milton House is certified by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The Intermediate Care Facility program servers over 100,000 individuals with intellectual disabilities and other related conditions. Milton House can be contacted at (805) 967-7777 or submit a request for more information.

Emphasis for all Intellectual Disability Care, including Milton House, since the program's implementation in 1988 is on helping people live in their own homes, controlling their own lives, and being members of their home communities. To learn more about Intellectual Disability Care, please view the Intermediate Care Facility section on the national Medicaid website.

Employment Opportunities

Milton has a true sense of community. Many of our residents have been with us for decades. Only 6 residents per house, this is a small, tight knit and loving place to live and work. We maintain hi...

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