Caregiver Job Description
WANTED: Part-time Care-Giver for developmentally disabled (Visalia) PLEASE READ ENTIRE JOB DUTIES BEFORE CALLING WITH QUESTIONS: WANTED: Part-time care giver for developmentally disabled adults between the ages of 18 and 59 years of age, suffering from intellectual disability, downs-syndrome, epilepsy etc. As care-provider some of your duties would include, but are not limited to; supervising, cooking, cleaning, transporting, dispensing medication ...etc. The position I am offering is for part-time (approximately 21 hours hours per week) and includes working weekends (Saturday and Sunday from 9:00am to 7:30pm). Previous experience is preferred. Must possess a valid California DL, with clean record. Must pass FBI and DOJ back ground check. Must have First-Aid and CPR certifications prior to first day of work (we can set that up). Must pass Health-screen/Drug Screen with TB test. Must have High School diploma or equivalent. Please Note: Due to Covid-19, we will be doing our initial interviews via zoom (virtual call). We are taking all needed precautions to mitigate the chances of our consumers contracting the Covid-19. Starting pay is negotiable depending on experience.