The average occupancy for nursing homes in Statesboro, GA is 65.1%, with 204 resident days occupying 314 available monthly beds.
The average nursing home cost is $182.09 per day in Statesboro, GA, with an average cost-to-charge ratio of 0.91.
Registered Nurses (RN) spend an average of 21.3 minutes with each resident per day at nursing homes in Statesboro, GA.
Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) spend an average of 68.1 minutes with each resident per day at nursing homes in Statesboro, GA.
Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) spend an average of 107.9 minutes with each resident per day at nursing homes in Statesboro, GA.
Physical Therapists (PT) spend an average of 1.9 minutes with each resident per day at nursing homes in Statesboro, GA.
Direct care staff spend an average of 186 minutes with each resident per day at nursing homes in Statesboro, GA.
The average length of stay for Medicare Residents (Title 18 beneficiaries) at nursing homes in Statesboro, GA is 35.46 days.
The average length of stay for Medicaid Residents (Title 19 beneficiaries) at nursing homes in Statesboro, GA is 347.49 days.
Resident days by insurance coverage are based on 7,763 Medicare days, 26,320 Medicaid days, and 54,572 Medicare Advantage / Private Pay / Other days out of 112,750 total available days at nursing homes in Statesboro, GA.