The average occupancy for nursing homes in Coeur D Alene, ID is 52.0%, with 62 resident days occupying 120 available monthly beds.
The average nursing home cost is $222.46 per day in Coeur D Alene, ID, with an average cost-to-charge ratio of 0.77.
Registered Nurses (RN) spend an average of 56.7 minutes with each resident per day at nursing homes in Coeur D Alene, ID.
Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) spend an average of 52.8 minutes with each resident per day at nursing homes in Coeur D Alene, ID.
Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) spend an average of 155.5 minutes with each resident per day at nursing homes in Coeur D Alene, ID.
Physical Therapists (PT) spend an average of 13.2 minutes with each resident per day at nursing homes in Coeur D Alene, ID.
Direct care staff spend an average of 219 minutes with each resident per day at nursing homes in Coeur D Alene, ID.
The average length of stay for Medicare Residents (Title 18 beneficiaries) at nursing homes in Coeur D Alene, ID is 27.53 days.
The average length of stay for Medicaid Residents (Title 19 beneficiaries) at nursing homes in Coeur D Alene, ID is 312.47 days.
Resident days by insurance coverage are based on 7,984 Medicare days, 17,811 Medicaid days, and 7,758 Medicare Advantage / Private Pay / Other days out of 43,800 total available days at nursing homes in Coeur D Alene, ID.