Nursing Homes in Wellington, KS

Ratings, costs, occupancy, and salary information for 2 skilled nursing facilities in Wellington, KS is based on data from
Nursing Homes by City in Kansas

2 Best Nursing Homes in Wellington, KS

Medicare and Medicaid Certified
45 Licensed Beds
102 W Botkin Street
Wellington, KS 67152
Medicare and Medicaid Certified
44 Licensed Beds
1600 W 8th Street
Wellington, KS 67152

Nursing Home Occupancy in Wellington, KS

The average occupancy for nursing homes in Wellington, KS is 82.8%, with 74 resident days occupying 89 available monthly beds.

Average resident occupancy information is based on data submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) by skilled nursing facilities. For informational purposes only.

Cost of Nursing Homes in Wellington, KS

The average nursing home cost is $171.02 per day in Wellington, KS, with an average cost-to-charge ratio of 0.95.

Average cost per resident day information is based on data submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). For informational purposes only.

Registered Nurse (RN) Minutes Per Resident Per Day in Wellington, KS

Registered Nurses (RN) spend an average of 30.3 minutes with each resident per day at nursing homes in Wellington, KS.

Average RN Minutes Per Resident Per Day information is based on data submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). For informational purposes only.

Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Minutes Per Resident Per Day in Wellington, KS

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) spend an average of 31.3 minutes with each resident per day at nursing homes in Wellington, KS.

Average LPN/LVN Minutes Per Resident Per Day information is based on data submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). For informational purposes only.

Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Minutes Per Resident Per Day in Wellington, KS

Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) spend an average of 141.5 minutes with each resident per day at nursing homes in Wellington, KS.

Average CNA Minutes Per Resident Per Day information is based on data submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). For informational purposes only.

Physical Therapy (PT) Minutes Per Resident Per Day in Wellington, KS

Physical Therapists (PT) spend an average of 0.3 minutes with each resident per day at nursing homes in Wellington, KS.

Average Physical Therapy Minutes Per Resident Per Day information is based on data submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) by . For informational purposes only.

Average Direct Care Minutes Per Resident Per Day in Wellington, KS

Direct care staff spend an average of 210 minutes with each resident per day at nursing homes in Wellington, KS.

Average Total Direct Care Minutes Per Resident Per Day information is based on data submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). For informational purposes only.

Average Length of Stay for Medicare Beneficiaries in Wellington, KS

The average length of stay for Medicare Residents (Title 18 beneficiaries) at nursing homes in Wellington, KS is 61.46 days.

Average length of stay for Medicare beneficiaries information is based on data submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). For informational purposes only.

Average Length of Stay for Medicaid Beneficiaries in Wellington, KS

The average length of stay for Medicaid Residents (Title 19 beneficiaries) at nursing homes in Wellington, KS is 379.18 days.

Average length of stay for Medicaid beneficiaries information is based on data submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). For informational purposes only.

Resident Days by Insurance Coverage in Wellington, KS

Resident days by insurance coverage are based on 1,571 Medicare days, 18,332 Medicaid days, and 4,814 Medicare Advantage / Private Pay / Other days out of 31,075 total available days at nursing homes in Wellington, KS.

Resident days by insurance coverage information is based on data submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). For informational purposes only.
Nursing Home Averages
Wellington, KS
Overall Rating
Quality Measures
Health Inspections
Star Ratings are based on Medicare Nursing Home Compare Data as of November 15, 2022.
Avg. Length of Stay
61 Days
Avg. Length of Stay
379 Days
Estimated costs, occupancy, and length of stay information is based on data submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). For informational purposes only.
Direct Care Per Resident (Per Day)
Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA)
142 minutes
Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
31 minutes
Registered Nurses
30 minutes
Physical Therapy
0.3 minutes
Average direct care minutes per resident per day are based on Medicare Nursing Home Compare data as of 2/15/2021.
Direct Care Hourly Wages
Registered Nurses

$32.50 / hour
Physical Therapists
Occupational Therapists
Speech Pathologists
Average direct care hourly wages for employees are based on data submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for 2019. For informational purposes only.
Operational Employee Hourly Wages
Nursing Administration
$29.86 / hour
Administrative Staff
$28.26 / hour
Plant Operations
$19.43 / hour
Central Services
Food Services
$10.98 / hour
Laundry & Linen
$9.63 / hour
$8.99 / hour
Employee Benefits
Social Services
$18.16 / hour
Medical Records
$14.80 / hour
Pharmacy Staff
Other Staff
$12.97 / hour
Average hourly wages for operational employees are based on data submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for 2019. For informational purposes only.

Nursing Home Ownership by Control Type in Wellington, KS

Nursing Home Jobs in Wellington, KS

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Nursing Homes by City in Kansas

Abilene Alma Andover Anthony Arkansas City Arma Ashland Atchison Attica Atwood Augusta Baldwin City Baxter Springs Bel Aire Belleville Beloit Bonner Springs Bucklin Buhler Burlington Caney Centralia Chanute Chapman Cheney Cherryvale Chetopa Cimarron Clay Center Clearwater Clifton Clyde Coffeyville Colby Coldwater Columbus Concordia Conway Springs Cottonwood Falls Council Grove Cunningham De Soto Derby Dexter Dighton Dodge City Douglass Downs Easton Edwardsville El Dorado Elkhart Ellinwood Ellis Ellsworth Emporia Enterprise Eskridge Eudora Eureka Fort Dodge Fort Scott Fowler Frankfort Fredonia Frontenac Galena Garden City Gardner Garnett Girard Glasco Goddard Goessel Goodland Great Bend Halstead Haviland Hays Haysville Herington Hesston Hiawatha Highland Hill City Hillsboro Holton Horton Howard Hoxie Hugoton Hutchinson Holton Independence Inman Iola Jetmore Johnson Junction City Kansas City Kensington Kingman Kinsley Kiowa La Crosse Lakin Lansing Larned Lawrence Leavenworth Leawood Lenexa Leonardville Leoti Liberal Lincoln Lindsborg Linn Little River Logan Louisburg Lyons Manhattan Mankato Marion Marquette Marysville Mcpherson Meade Merriam Minneapolis Minneola Montezuma Moran Moundridge Mount Hope Mulvane Neodesha Ness City Newton North Newton Norton Nortonville Oakley Oberlin Olathe Onaga Osage City Osawatomie Osborne Oskaloosa Oswego Ottawa Overbrook Overland Park Oxford Paola Parsons Peabody Phillipsburg Pittsburg Plainville Prairie Village Pratt Prescott Pretty Prairie Protection Quinter Ransom Richmond Rose Hill Rossville Russell Sabetha Saint Paul Salina Satanta Scott City Sedan Sedgwick Seneca Sharon Spgs Sharon Springs Shawnee Smith Center South Hutchinson Spearville Spring Hill St Francis St John St Marys Stafford Sterling Stockton Syracuse Tonganoxie Topeka Tribune Ulysses Valley Falls Victoria Wakeeney Wakefield Wamego Washington Wathena Waverly Wellington Wellsville Westmoreland Whitewater Wichita Wilson Winchester Winfield Yates Center