Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Pathology | Medicare Certified
4915 Coconut Creek Pkwy
Coconut Creek, FL 33066


Coconut Creek Rehabilitation Inc is a Medicare Certified Physical Therapy, Speech Pathology, and/or Occupational Therapy provider located in Coconut Creek, FL, with service to the surrounding community. Coconut Creek Rehabilitation Inc is certified by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Speech Pathology, and/or Occupational Therapy Providers, such as Coconut Creek Rehabilitation Inc, typically fall under one of three categories: Rehabilitation Agencies, Clinics, and Public Health Agencies. Coconut Creek Rehabilitation Inc can be contacted at (954) 972-1200 or submit a request for more information.

To learn more about Coconut Creek Rehabilitation Inc and other Physical Therapy and/or Speech Pathology Providers, please view the Physical Therapy and Speech Pathology section on

The surgeries and services provided by Coconut Creek Rehabilitation Inc in Coconut Creek, FL may include: Physical Therapy,


Physical Therapy

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