Ssm Glennon Care Pediatrics-troy is a Medicare Certified Rural Health Cliniic (RHC) located in Troy, MO, with service to the surrounding community. Ssm Glennon Care Pediatrics-troy is certified by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Ssm Glennon Care Pediatrics-troy can be contacted at (636) 462-5437 or submit a request for more information.
Rural Health Centers, such as Ssm Glennon Care Pediatrics-troy, are located in rural areas designated as a shortage area. The MO State Survey Agency reviews and evaluates Ssm Glennon Care Pediatrics-troy upon their Request for Establish Eligibility.
To learn more about Ssm Glennon Care Pediatrics-troy and other Rural Health Centers, please view the Rural Health Clinic section on