Skilled Nursing Facility | Medicare and Medicaid Certified
120 Licensed Beds
235 Lestertown Rd
Groton, CT 06340
Gallery Image for FAIRVIEW in GROTON, CT
Gallery Image for FAIRVIEW in GROTON, CT
Gallery Image for FAIRVIEW in GROTON, CT
Gallery Image for FAIRVIEW in GROTON, CT
Gallery Image for FAIRVIEW in GROTON, CT
Gallery Image for FAIRVIEW in GROTON, CT
Gallery Image for FAIRVIEW in GROTON, CT
Gallery Image for FAIRVIEW in GROTON, CT
Gallery Image for FAIRVIEW in GROTON, CT
Gallery Image for FAIRVIEW in GROTON, CT
Gallery Image for FAIRVIEW in GROTON, CT
Gallery Image for FAIRVIEW in GROTON, CT
Gallery Image for FAIRVIEW in GROTON, CT
Gallery Image for FAIRVIEW in GROTON, CT


Fairview is a non-profit senior living community located on the banks of the Thames River in Southeastern CT. We incorporated in 1892 and have been serving individuals ever since. Our mission is "to inspire individuals to live their best lives". We are affiliated with the fraternal order of Odd Fellows who believe in the core values of friendship, love and truth. Our community is divided into three service lines: 110-bed health center providing post-acute care, long-term care, skilled nursing, physical, occupational and speech therapies. Our staffing levels are industry best and our 5-star rating has been consistent for 10 years. Fellowship Manor is our 20-unit apartment style building (built in 1925) providing independent living for seniors. Thames Edge are 40 independent homes, where seniors enjoy a dynamic, carefree lifestyle. Fairview is a unique organization with a leadership team who cares, 200 employees who are the best in our industry and very supportive residents and family members. Come check us out

Employment Opportunities

Our CNAs are the best of the best, honest, fun, friendly and caring. They work hard, foster teamwork, and our residents, families and leadership team love them.

Caregiver and Nursing Jobs

Are you a CNA, LPN/LVN, RN or an experienced caregiver? Access the most senior care employers in one place on CareListings – for free.

Medicare Star Ratings History

Quarterly Performance for Fairview, 2013-2024 (View Current Ratings on Medicare.gov)
Source: medicare.gov

Average Direct Care Minutes Per Resident (Per Day)

Quarterly Performance for Nursing and Physical Therapy Direct Care Minutes for Fairview, 2013-2024
Source: medicare.gov
Average Direct Care Minutes Per Resident Per Day information is based on data submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) by Fairview. For informational purposes only.
This skilled nursing facility is part of a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC)
Overall Rating
5/5 stars
Quality Measures
5/5 stars
Health Inspections
5/5 stars
5/5 stars
Star Ratings are based on Medicare Nursing Home Compare Data as of November 23, 2024. View Medicare star rating performance history exclusively on CareListings.
Average Direct Care Per Resident (Per Day)
Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA)
152 minutes
Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
50 minutes
Registered Nurses
56 minutes
Physical Therapy
9 minutes
Average direct care minutes per resident per day are based on Medicare Nursing Home Compare data as of November 23, 2024.
Services Offered
YesClinical Laboratory
YesDental Services
YesDiagnostic X-Ray
YesDietary Services
YesMental Health
YesOccupational Therapy
YesOrganized Resident Group
YesPhysical Therapy
YesPhysician Services
YesPhysician Extenders
YesOther Activities
YesSocial Services
YesSocial Work
YesSpeech Pathology

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