Accura HealthCare of Newton East is a 54-bed skilled nursing community that provides individualized nursing and rehabilitation for residents and families. Whether you're in need of transitional care after a hospital stay or long-term care, we're here for you.
As members of the Accura team, we all embrace our mission which is "To be partners in care and family for life". As we strive to deliver on our mission, we will do this by adhering to our values of trust, integrity, accountability, commitment, and kindness.
Our Services:
• Skilled Nursing Services - Our team is trained to help you or your loved ones recover from a variety of physical injuries and regain their health and independence.
• Short-Term Care - Our short-term / transitional care services are available for those who are well enough to leave the hospital, but not quite ready to resume daily activities at home. Our Transitional Care team is dedicated to helping you heal, restore your strength, and re-establish your independence
• Long-Term Care - When you or your loved one has reached the point where you can no longer remain at home due to needing 24-hour nursing care and monitoring, Accura HealthCare is here to help you.
• Respite Care - A respite stay in our facility can provide you with the much-needed rest you deserve while ensuring that your loved one continues to receive the dedicated care they deserve.
• Hospice - If you or your loved one has made the decision to receive comfort care rather than continue treatment or the search for a cure for your condition, then hospice services are the option you’ve been seeking. The nursing and hospice staff at Accura HealthCare will provide the pain management and care services you need to enjoy your days.
Employment Opportunities
Caregiver and Nursing Jobs
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Average Direct Care Minutes Per Resident (Per Day)
Quarterly Performance for Nursing and Physical Therapy Direct Care Minutes for Accura Healthcare Of Newton East, Llc, 2013-2024
Average Direct Care Minutes Per Resident Per Day information is based on data submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) by Accura Healthcare Of Newton East, Llc. For informational purposes only.
Overall Rating
Quality Measures
Health Inspections
Star Ratings are based on Medicare Nursing Home Compare Data as of November 23, 2024. View Medicare star rating performance history exclusively on CareListings.
Average Direct Care Per Resident (Per Day)
Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) 141 minutes
Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) 28 minutes
Registered Nurses (RN) 32 minutes
Physical Therapy (PT) 1 minutes
Average direct care minutes per resident per day are based on Medicare Nursing Home Compare data as of November 23, 2024.
Services Offered
Clinical Laboratory
Dental Services
Diagnostic X-Ray
Dietary Services
Mental Health
Occupational Therapy
Organized Resident Group
Physical Therapy
Physician Services
Physician Extenders
Other Activities
Speech Pathology
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