Hospice | Medicare Certified
7200 Hudson Boulevard Suite 230
Oakdale, MN 55128


St Croix Hospice is a Medicare Certified Hospice located in Oakdale, MN. St Croix Hospice is certified by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Hospice care is an approach to caring for terminally ill individuals that focuse on relief of uncomfortable symptoms and pain relief. St Croix Hospice can be contacted at (651) 735-3656 or submit a request for more information.

Hospices are one of the Medicare certified provider types who are participate in the CMS Quality initiatives in order to accept Medicare for payment. To learn more Hospice quality measure performances, Medicare five star ratings, survey report information, patient-to-staffing ratios and more, please view the Medicare Report for St Croix Hospice.

The services provided by St Croix Hospice in Oakdale, MN may include: Home Health Aides, Medical Social Services, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Other Services, Physical Therapy, Counseling, Medical Supplies, Physician Services, Short-Term Inpatient Services, Speech Pathology,


Home Health Aides
Medical Social Services
Occupational Therapy
Other Services
Physical Therapy
Medical Supplies
Physician Services
Short-Term Inpatient Services
Speech Pathology

Employment Opportunities

Join our St. Croix Hospice Family! The Hospice Aide is a paraprofessional member of the interdisciplinary group working under the supervision of a registered nurse and performs various services for...
The Registered Nurse Case Manager plans, organizes and directs hospice care and is experienced in nursing, with emphasis on community health education/experience. The professional nurse builds from th...
As the RN Case Manager, you will plan, organize and direct hospice care for your patients. This professional nurse builds from the resources of the community to plan and direct services to meet the ne...
The Manager of Clinical Services is responsible for ensuring that patient care is coordinated and managed appropriately.  The Manager of Clinical Services is responsible for ensuring that care and ser...
As a hospice aide with St. Croix Hospice, you will work 1 on 1 with your patient to create a caring and nurturing environment, ensuring each patient’s specific care plan is followed. In addition, to a...
What you'll be doing: As the RN case manager, you will plan, organize and direct hospice care for your patients. The professional nurse builds from the resources of the community to plan and direct s...

Caregiver and Nursing Jobs

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Hospices near Oakdale, MN

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1700 University Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55104
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2076 St Anthony Avenue
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2680 Arthur Street
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1055 Westgate Drive Suite 100
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2277 Highway 36 West Suite 101
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