Hospice | Medicare Certified
516 Pennsfield Place,
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

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We believe in compassion, choice, and comfort. We believe in compassion, choice, and comfort. Generation Care was founded by Dr Anna, who is a palliative pharmacist and a professor at the University of Southern California. The program is aimed to revolutionize the way end of life care is delivered. Compassion is the core value and patient choice is the hallmark of the program. The interdisciplinary team consists of dedicated clinical and supportive professionals whose primary goal is comfort and symptom control. Dr. Anna is specialized in hospice care and palliative care and teaches a course titled “The Art of Symptom Management” at USC. The program is designed to reflect the fundamental truth that symptom management is a multimodal art. The whole of a person must be addressed in order to shift the focus from losing a life to celebrating the beauty of life. Hospice is provided at your place of residence. Home Assisted living Skilled Nursing Facility or Nursing Home Board and Care etc Proud to serve patients across Los Angeles County and Ventura County. Generation Care is a Thousand Oaks based Hospice Enterprise that is Medicare Certified, State Licensed and Joint-Commission accredited.


Home Health Aides
Medical Social Services
Occupational Therapy
Other Services
Physical Therapy
Homemaker Services
Medical Supplies
Physician Services
Short-Term Inpatient Services
Speech Pathology


Hospice Care
Palliative Care
InHome Caregiving



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Hospices near Thousand Oaks, CA

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7940 Garvey Ave
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187 East Wilbur Road, Suite 9
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
187 E Wilbur Road, Suite #7
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
100 East Thousand Oaks Boulevard
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
100 East Thousand Oaks Boulevard, Suite 243
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
100 E Thousand Oaks Blvd
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
509 South Marin Street, Suite #126
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
2667 N Moorpark Road Ste 102
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360