Hospice | Medicare Certified
6931 Van Nuys Blvd, Suite 321
Van Nuys, CA 91405


Caring Joy Providers is a family owned hospice company with the simple premise that everyone should be given the chance to live the last days of their lives surrounded by family and loved ones in the comfort of their homes. At Caring Joy, transitions are made slowly, gradually at your own pace. We acknowledge and respect your RIGHTS to the care of your loved one. No medication changes, no new treatments will be made without your approval. Caring Joy takes pride in our fast response time, efficient delivery of services, strong communication with families where weekly phone calls are made to each family for care updates. What makes Caring Joy Providers different from other hospices is that we incorporate SMART HEALTH Solutions in our care with no cost to the family. With Caring Joy Providers, you will never be alone. Together during your last days, we will make a family.

Approximate Coverage Area


In Home Hospice Services
In Home Doctor Visits
SMART Health Home Solutions

Accepted Insurances

Medical LA Care IEHP and other HMO


Home Health Aides
Medical Social Services
Occupational Therapy
Other Services
Physical Therapy
Medical Supplies
Physician Services
Short-Term Inpatient Services
Speech Pathology

Employment Opportunities

Family and service oriented hospice in Encino, CA is need of Per Diem/Per Visit LVNs to perform the following weekly follow up visits to patient in their homes. Requirements: 1. Valid LVN license...
Family and service oriented hospice in Encino, CA is need of Per Diem/Per Visit LVNs to perform the following weekly follow up visits to patient in their homes. Requirements: 1. Valid LVN license...
Family and service oriented hospice in Encino, CA is need of Per Diem/Per Visit LVNs to perform the following weekly follow up visits to patient in their homes. Requirements: 1. Valid license wit...
Family and service oriented hospice in Encino, CA is need of Per Diem/Per Visit LVNs to perform the following weekly follow up visits to patient in their homes. Requirements: 1. Valid RN license ...
Family and service oriented hospice in Encino, CA is need of Per Diem / Per Visit Registered Nurses to perform the following: 1. Comprehensive Initial Assessments 2. Bi weekly Assessments and Supe...

Caregiver and Nursing Jobs

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Hospices near Van Nuys, CA

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Rosemead, CA 91770
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Camarillo, CA 93010
38700 5th Street West, Ste G
Palmdale, CA 93551
15335 Fairfield Ranch Road
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32 Executive Park
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2102 Business Center Dr, Suite 290
Irvine, CA 92612
6931 Van Nuys Blvd, Suite 321
Van Nuys, CA 91405
6850 Van Nuys Blvd, Suite 322
Van Nuys, CA 91405
6850 Van Nuys Blvd, Suite 320
Van Nuys, CA 91405