Skilled Nursing Facility | Medicare and Medicaid Certified
60 Licensed Beds
509 West Gannon Avenue
Zebulon, NC 27597

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Zebulon Rehabilitation Center is a 60 Bed Medicare And Medicaid Certified Nursing Home located in Zebulon, NC. Zebulon Rehabilitation Center is certified by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and they provide skilled nursing services to patients in a post-acute care setting. Zebulon Rehabilitation Center can be contacted at (919) 269-9621 for more information.

Skilled Nursing Facilities are one of the Medicare certified provider types who are participate in the CMS Quality initiatives in order to accept Medicare for payment. To learn more Skilled Nursing Facility quality measure performances, Medicare five star ratings, survey report information, patient-to-staffing ratios and more, please view the Medicare Report for Zebulon Rehabilitation Center.

Medicare Star Ratings History

Quarterly Performance for Zebulon Rehabilitation Center, 2013-2024 (View Current Ratings on Medicare.gov)
Source: medicare.gov

Average Direct Care Minutes Per Resident (Per Day)

Quarterly Performance for Nursing and Physical Therapy Direct Care Minutes for Zebulon Rehabilitation Center, 2013-2024
Source: medicare.gov
Average Direct Care Minutes Per Resident Per Day information is based on data submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) by Zebulon Rehabilitation Center. For informational purposes only.
Overall Rating
4/5 stars
Quality Measures
3/5 stars
Health Inspections
4/5 stars
3/5 stars
Star Ratings are based on Medicare Nursing Home Compare Data as of November 23, 2024. View Medicare star rating performance history exclusively on CareListings.
Average Direct Care Per Resident (Per Day)
Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA)
116 minutes
Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
64 minutes
Registered Nurses
29 minutes
Physical Therapy
18 minutes
Average direct care minutes per resident per day are based on Medicare Nursing Home Compare data as of November 23, 2024.
Services Offered
YesClinical Laboratory
YesDental Services
YesDiagnostic X-Ray
YesDietary Services
YesMental Health
YesOccupational Therapy
YesOrganized Resident Group
YesPhysical Therapy
YesPhysician Services
YesPhysician Extenders
YesSocial Work
YesSpeech Pathology
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