Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Job Description
Care Plus Staffing is looking to fill a great career position working in assisted living. This position requires an LPN but we would consider an experienced and motivated CNA. Care Plus Staffing can be reached directly at 616-884-5401 to set up and interview! Requirements: LPN Preferred, Willing to consider experienced CNA with 5+ years in long term care (Must have a valid, current, LPN or CNA to apply) Minimum 5 years management experience Mon-Fri. with some on call weekends and flexible scheduling to provide managerial support to all shifts. Salaried position Majority of the time is focused on care management, staff training, clinical program development, and implementation. Must be willing to provide direct care when needed due to staffing challenges. Experienced in QuickMar Experienced in Care Plan development. Call 616-884-5401 for more information