Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Salaries in Canton, mo

Based on 559,182 CNA hours reported by Skilled Nursing Facilities in Canton, mo (2013-2021)
Average Hourly Wage (2021)
$13.98 / hour
Lowest (25%): $10.48 / hour
Highest (25%): $17.48 / hour
MO Average: $15.90 / hour
CNA hourly wage averages in Canton, MO (2013-2021)

How much does a CNA get paid in Canton, mo?

Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) are paid an average of $13.98 per hour ($29,078 annually) in Canton, mo based on 47,336 hours of CNA wage information reported by Skilled Nursing Facilities for the fiscal year ending in 2021 to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

The wage information for Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) in Canton, MO is for informational purposes only. Average hourly and annual salaries are updated on this page as more data becomes available, so you are welcome to share or link to this webpage.

CNA Jobs in Canton, MO

With over 559,182 hours worked by Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) employees at skilled nursing facilities from 2013-2021 in Canton, combined with the increasing demand for experienced caregivers by in-home care agencies and senior living communities, CNA positions have become one the fastest growing occupations in the US. Let us help you find the best CNA jobs in Canton, MO.

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Average Annual CNA Salaries
Canton, MO

CNA salaries by year in Canton
Year Avg Salary CNA Hours
2021 $29,078 47,336
2020 $25,917 56,124
2019 $23,733 57,956
2018 $22,672 58,405
2017 $22,859 59,904
2016 $20,717 62,288
2015 $21,091 75,547
2014 $20,072 76,774
2013 $21,050 64,848
Last Updated: August 1, 2022

Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Salaries by City in Missouri

Adrian Advance Albany Anderson Appleton City Arnold Ash Grove Ashland Aurora Ava Ballwin Belleview Belton Bernie Bertrand Bethany Birch Tree Black Jack Bloomfield Blue Springs Bolivar Bonne Terre Boonville Bowling Green Branson Braymer Bridgeton Brookfield Brunswick Buffalo Butler Cabool California Camdenton Cameron Campbell Canton Cape Girardeau Carrollton Carthage Caruthersville Cassville Cedar Hill Center Centralia Chaffee Charleston Chesterfield Chillicothe Clarence Clinton Cole Camp Columbia Concordia Crane Creve Coeur Cuba Dardenne Prairie De Soto Des Peres Desloge Dexter Dixon Doniphan East Prairie Edina El Dorado Springs Eldon Ellington Ellisville Elsberry Eureka Excelsior Springs Farmington Fayette Fenton Ferguson Festus Florissant Forsyth Fredericktown Fulton Gainesville Gallatin Gerald Gideon Gladstone Glasgow Gower Granby Grandview Grant City Greenfield Greenville Hamilton Hannibal Harrisonville Hartville Hayti Herculaneum Hermann Hermitage Higginsville Holden Hollister Houston Humansville Independence Ironton Jackson Jefferson City Jonesburg Joplin Kahoka Kansas City Kennett Kimberling City King City Kirksville Kirkwood La Belle La Plata Lake Saint Louis Lamar Laurie Lawson Lebanon Lees Summit Lewistown Lexington Liberty Licking Lincoln Linn Lockwood Louisiana Lowry City Macon Malden Mansfield Marble Hill Marceline Marionville Marshall Marshfield Maryland Heights Maryville Matthews Maysville Memphis Mexico Milan Moberly Mokane Monett Monroe City Mound City Mount Vernon Mountain Grove Mountain View Neosho Nevada New Florence New Haven New Madrid Nixa Normandy O Fallon Oak Grove Odessa Oregon Osage Beach Overland Owensville Ozark Pacific Palmyra Paris Park Hills Perryville Piedmont Pilot Grove Platte City Plattsburg Pleasant Hill Poplar Bluff Portageville Potosi Princeton Puxico Queen City Raymore Raytown Republic Richland Richmond Riverside Rock Port Rogersville Rolla Saint Charles Saint Clair Saint Elizabeth Saint James Saint Joseph Saint Louis Saint Peters Saint Robert Sainte Genevieve Salem Salisbury Sarcoxie Savannah Sedalia Senath Seneca Seymour Shelbina Shrewsbury Sikeston Silex Smithville Springfield Stanberry Steele Steelville Stockton Stover Strafford Sullivan Sweet Springs Tarkio Thayer Tipton Town And Country Trenton Troy Tuscumbia Union Unionville University City Valley Park Van Buren Vandalia Versailles Viburnum Vienna Warrensburg Warsaw Washington Waverly Waynesville Webb City Webster Groves Wellsville Wentzville West Plains Westphalia Wildwood Willard Willow Springs Windsor Wright City