Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Salaries in Whitinsville, ma

Average Hourly Wage (2020)
$54.28 / hour
Lowest (25%): $40.71 / hour
Highest (25%): $67.85 / hour
MA Average: $41.95 / hour
LPN hourly wage averages in Whitinsville, MA (2013-2021)

How much does a LPN get paid in Whitinsville, ma?

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) are paid an average of $54.28 per hour ($112,902 annually) in Whitinsville, ma based on 20,683 hours of LPN wage information reported by Skilled Nursing Facilities for the fiscal year ending in 2020 to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

The wage information for Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) in Whitinsville, MA is for informational purposes only. Average hourly and annual salaries are updated on this page as more data becomes available, so you are welcome to share or link to this webpage.

LPN Jobs in Whitinsville, MA

With over 318,240 hours worked by Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) employees at skilled nursing facilities from 2013-2021 in Whitinsville, combined with the increasing demand for experienced caregivers by in-home care agencies and senior living communities, LPN positions have become one the fastest growing occupations in the US. Let us help you find the best LPN jobs in Whitinsville, MA.

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Average Annual LPN Salaries
Whitinsville, MA

LPN salaries by year in Whitinsville
Year Avg Salary LPN Hours
2020 $112,902 20,683
2019 $67,038 48,431
2018 $75,421 38,619
2017 $73,029 44,652
2016 $73,986 42,171
2015 $71,926 41,365
2014 $69,846 41,231
2013 $70,470 41,088
Last Updated: August 1, 2022

Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Salaries by City in Massachusetts

Abington Acton Agawam Amesbury Amherst Andover Arlington Ashland Athol Attleboro Auburn Ayer Baldwinville Bedford Belmont Beverly Billerica Blackstone Boston Bourne Bradford Braintree Brewster Bridgewater Brighton Brockton Brookline Buzzards Bay Cambridge Canton Centerville Charlton Chelmsford Chelsea Chestnut Hill Chicopee Cohasset Dalton Danvers Dedham Dorchester Duxbury East Bridgewater East Longmeadow Everett Fairhaven Fall River Falmouth Fitchburg Framingham Franklin Gardner Gloucester Great Barrington Greenfield Groton Hadley Hampden Harwich Haverhill Hingham Holden Holliston Holyoke Hyannis Hyde Park Kingston Lakeville Lancaster Lawrence Lee Leeds Lenox Leominster Lexington Lincoln Littleton Longmeadow Lowell Lynn Malden Marblehead Marion Marlborough Mashpee Mattapan Medfield Medford Medway Melrose Methuen Middleboro Middleborough Milford Millbury Milton N Falmouth Nahant Nantucket Natick Needham New Bedford Newburyport Newton Newton Upper Falls North Adams North Andover North Attleboro North Billerica North Chatham North Dighton North Easton North Reading Northampton Northborough Northbridge Norton Norwell Norwood Oak Bluffs Oxford Palmer Peabody Pittsfield Plymouth Provincetown Quincy Randolph Raynham Reading Revere Rochdale Rockland Rockport Rowley S Natick Salem Sandisfield Sandwich Saugus Scituate Sharon Shrewsbury Somerset Somerville South Dartmouth South Dennis South Hadley South Yarmouth Southbridge Springfield Sterling Stoneham Stoughton Sudbury Sunderland Swansea Taunton Tewksbury Topsfield Turners Falls Uxbridge W Concord W Roxbury Waban Wakefield Walpole Waltham Wareham Watertown Wayland Webster Wellesley Wellesley Fms West Boylston West Bridgewater West Brookfield West Concord West Newton West Springfield West Yarmouth Westborough Westfield Westford Weston Westwood Weymouth Whitinsville Wilbraham Williamstown Wilmington Winchester Woburn Worcester Wrentham