Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Salaries in West Branch, mi

Average Hourly Wage (2020)
$20.26 / hour
Lowest (25%): $15.20 / hour
Highest (25%): $25.33 / hour
MI Average: $21.32 / hour
CNA hourly wage averages in West Branch, MI (2013-2021)

How much does a CNA get paid in West Branch, mi?

Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) are paid an average of $20.26 per hour ($42,141 annually) in West Branch, mi based on 56,110 hours of CNA wage information reported by Skilled Nursing Facilities for the fiscal year ending in 2020 to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

The wage information for Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) in West Branch, MI is for informational purposes only. Average hourly and annual salaries are updated on this page as more data becomes available, so you are welcome to share or link to this webpage.

CNA Jobs in West Branch, MI

With over 506,727 hours worked by Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) employees at skilled nursing facilities from 2013-2021 in West Branch, combined with the increasing demand for experienced caregivers by in-home care agencies and senior living communities, CNA positions have become one the fastest growing occupations in the US. Let us help you find the best CNA jobs in West Branch, MI.

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Average Annual CNA Salaries
West Branch, MI

CNA salaries by year in West Branch
Year Avg Salary CNA Hours
2020 $42,141 56,110
2019 $37,378 58,088
2017 $34,091 68,146
2016 $33,405 68,886
2015 $34,445 70,124
2014 $33,363 70,504
2013 $25,480 114,869
Last Updated: August 1, 2022

Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Salaries by City in Michigan

Adrian Albion Allegan Allen Park Allendale Alma Alpena Ann Arbor Armada Ashley Bad Axe Baldwin Battle Creek Bay City Belding Bellaire Belmont Benton Harbor Berrien Center Beverly Hills Big Rapids Bloomfield Hills Bloomingdale Bridgman Brighton Cadillac Canton Caro Carson City Cass City Cassopolis Cedar Springs Center Line Centreville Charlevoix Charlotte Cheboygan Chelsea Chesaning Chesterfield Townshi Clare Clarkston Clawson Clinton Township Clio Coldwater Commerce Crystal Falls Dearborn Dearborn Heights Deckerville Detroit Dimondale Douglas Dowagiac Durand East China East Jordan East Lansing Escanaba Essexville Fairview Farmington Farmington Hills Farwell Fenton Ferndale Flint Flushing Fort Gratiot Frankenmuth Frankfort Fraser Fremont Galesburg Gaylord Gladwin Gr Blanc Grand Blanc Grand Haven Grand Rapids Grandville Grayling Greenville Grosse Pointe Woods Hamtramck Hancock Harbor Beach Harbor Springs Harper Woods Harrisville Hart Hastings Highland Park Hillman Hillsdale Holland Holly Holt Houghton Lake Howell Hubbell Hudsonville Ionia Iron Mountain Iron River Ironwood Ishpeming Jackson Jenison Kalamazoo Kalkaska Kawkawlin Kingsford L' Anse Lake Orion Lakeview Lamont Lansing Lapeer Lincoln Linden Livonia Lowell Ludington Madison Heights Manistee Manistique Maple City Marlette Marquette Marshall Mattawan Mayville Mc Bain Menominee Midland Milford Monroe Montrose Mount Clemens Mount Pleasant Munising Muskegon Negaunee Newberry Niles North Muskegon Northville Novi Okemos Ontonagon Orchard Lake Orion Ovid Owosso Owosso Perrinton Petoskey Pigeon Pinckney Plainwell Plymouth Pontiac Port Huron Portage Powers Redford Reed City Richmond Riverview Rochester Hills Rogers City Romeo Roscommon Rose City Roseville Royal Oak Saginaw Saint Clair Shores Saint Ignace Saint Johns Saint Louis Saline Sandusky Sault Sainte Marie Shelby Township South Haven South Lyon Southfield Southgate Spring Lake St Joseph Standish Stephenson Sterling Sterling Heights Stevensville Sturgis Suttons Bay Spring Arbor Tawas City Taylor Tecumseh Temperance Three Rivers Traverse City Trenton Troy Utica Wakefield Warren Waterford Wayland Wayne West Bloomfield West Branch Westland White Lake Whitehall Whitmore Lake Woodhaven Wyoming Yale Ypsilanti Zeeland