Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Salaries in Sneedville, tn

Average Hourly Wage (2021)
$17.29 / hour
Lowest (25%): $12.97 / hour
Highest (25%): $21.61 / hour
TN Average: $28.38 / hour
LPN hourly wage averages in Sneedville, TN (2013-2021)

How much does a LPN get paid in Sneedville, tn?

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) are paid an average of $17.29 per hour ($35,963 annually) in Sneedville, tn based on 10,485 hours of LPN wage information reported by Skilled Nursing Facilities for the fiscal year ending in 2021 to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

The wage information for Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) in Sneedville, TN is for informational purposes only. Average hourly and annual salaries are updated on this page as more data becomes available, so you are welcome to share or link to this webpage.

LPN Jobs in Sneedville, TN

With over 111,141 hours worked by Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) employees at skilled nursing facilities from 2013-2021 in Sneedville, combined with the increasing demand for experienced caregivers by in-home care agencies and senior living communities, LPN positions have become one the fastest growing occupations in the US. Let us help you find the best LPN jobs in Sneedville, TN.

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Average Annual LPN Salaries
Sneedville, TN

LPN salaries by year in Sneedville
Year Avg Salary LPN Hours
2021 $35,963 10,485
2020 $41,309 9,693
2019 $40,830 8,320
2018 $32,240 13,259
2017 $33,800 11,176
2016 $33,696 14,471
2015 $32,323 14,510
2014 $37,253 11,591
2013 $32,864 17,636
Last Updated: August 1, 2022

Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Salaries by City in Tennessee

Adamsville Alamo Andersonville Antioch Ardmore Ashland City Athens Bartlett Bells Blountville Bolivar Brentwood Bristol Brownsville Bruceton Byrdstown Camden Carthage Celina Centerville Chattanooga Chuckey Church Hill Clarksville Cleveland Clinton Collegedale Collierville Columbia Cookeville Cordova Covington Crossville Dandridge Dayton Decatur Decaturville Dickson Dover Dresden Ducktown Dunlap Dyer Dyersburg East Ridge Elizabethton Erin Erwin Etowah Fayetteville Franklin Gainesboro Gallatin Gallaway Germantown Goodlettsville Gray Greeneville Harriman Harrogate Hartsville Henderson Hendersonville Hermitage Hixson Hohenwald Humboldt Huntingdon Huntsville Jackson Jamestown Jefferson City Jellico Johnson City Jonesborough Kingsport Knoxville Lafayette Lafollette Lawrenceburg Lebanon Lenoir City Lewisburg Lexington Limestone Linden Livingston Loudon Louisville Lynchburg Madison Madisonville Manchester Martin Maryville Maynardville Mc Kenzie Mc Minnville Medina Memphis Milan Millington Monteagle Monterey Morristown Mount Juliet Mount Pleasant Mountain City Murfreesboro Nashville New Tazewell Newport Nashville Oak Ridge Old Hickory Oneida Ooltewah Palmyra Paris Parsons Pigeon Forge Pikeville Pleasant Hill Portland Pulaski Puryear Red Boiling Springs Ridgely Ridgetop Ripley Roan Mountain Rockwood Rocky Top Rogersville Rutledge Savannah Selmer Sevierville Shelbyville Signal Mountain Smithville Smyrna Sneedville Soddy-daisy Somerville South Pittsburg Sparta Spencer Spring City Spring Hill Springfield Sweetwater Tazewell Tiptonville Trenton Tullahoma Union City Wartburg Waverly Waynesboro Westmoreland White House White Pine Whites Creek Winchester Woodbury