Registered Nurse (RN) Salaries in Richmond, ky

Based on 279,944 RN hours reported by Skilled Nursing Facilities in Richmond, ky (2013-2021)
Average Hourly Wage (2021)
$36.04 / hour
Lowest (25%): $27.03 / hour
Highest (25%): $45.05 / hour
KY Average: $38.32 / hour
RN hourly wage averages in Richmond, KY (2013-2021)

How much does a RN get paid in Richmond, ky?

Registered Nurses (RN) are paid an average of $36.04 per hour ($74,963 annually) in Richmond, ky based on 28,457 hours of RN wage information reported by Skilled Nursing Facilities for the fiscal year ending in 2021 to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

The wage information for Registered Nurses (RN) in Richmond, KY is for informational purposes only. Average hourly and annual salaries are updated on this page as more data becomes available, so you are welcome to share or link to this webpage.

RN Jobs in Richmond, KY

With over 279,944 hours worked by Registered Nurse (RN) employees at skilled nursing facilities from 2013-2021 in Richmond, combined with the increasing demand for experienced caregivers by in-home care agencies and senior living communities, RN positions have become one the fastest growing occupations in the US. Let us help you find the best RN jobs in Richmond, KY.

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Average Annual RN Salaries
Richmond, KY

RN salaries by year in Richmond
Year Avg Salary RN Hours
2021 $74,963 28,457
2020 $78,406 21,590
2019 $70,997 28,616
2018 $76,183 27,499
2017 $82,590 42,347
2016 $78,125 41,855
2015 $56,805 31,102
2014 $55,848 35,476
2013 $59,696 23,002
Last Updated: August 1, 2022

Registered Nurse (RN) Salaries by City in Kentucky

Albany Alexandria Annville Ashland Auburn Augusta Barbourville Bardstown Bardwell Beattyville Beaver Dam Bedford Benton Berea Booneville Bowling Green Brandenburg Brodhead Brownsville Burkesville Butler Cadiz Calhoun Calvert City Campbellsville Campton Carlisle Carrollton Clinton Cold Spring Columbia Corbin Covington Cumberland Cynthiana Danville Dawson Springs Edmonton Elizabethtown Elkhorn City Elkton Elsmere Erlanger Flatwoods Flemingsburg Florence Fordsville Fort Thomas Frankfort Franklin Frenchburg Fulton Georgetown Glasgow Grayson Greensburg Greenville Hanson Hardinsburg Harlan Harrodsburg Hartford Hazard Henderson Hindman Hodgenville Hopkinsville Horse Cave Hyden Inez Irvine Jackson Jamestown Jeffersontown Kuttawa La Center La Grange Lancaster Lawrenceburg Lebanon Leitchfield Lewisport Lexington Liberty London Louisa Louisville Madisonville Manchester Marion Masonic Home Mayfield Maysville Middlesboro Midway Monticello Morehead Morganfield Morgantown Mount Olivet Mount Sterling Mount Vernon Mount Washington Murray Nerinx New Castle Nicholasville Owensboro Owenton Owingsville Paducah Paintsville Paris Pembroke Pewee Valley Phelps Pikeville Pine Knot Pineville Prestonsburg Princeton Prospect Radcliff Richmond Russellville Saint Catharine Salem Salyersville Sandy Hook Scottsville Sebree Shelbyville Somerset South Shore South Williamson Springfield Stanford Stanton Taylorsville Tompkinsville Union Vanceburg Villa Hills Warsaw West Liberty Whitesburg Williamsburg Williamstown Wilmore Winchester Woodburn Wurtland