Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Salaries in Rockwell City, ia

Average Hourly Wage (2020)
$70.50 / hour
Lowest (25%): $52.88 / hour
Highest (25%): $88.13 / hour
IA Average: $29.15 / hour
LPN hourly wage averages in Rockwell City, IA (2013-2021)

How much does a LPN get paid in Rockwell City, ia?

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) are paid an average of $70.50 per hour ($146,640 annually) in Rockwell City, ia based on 1,327 hours of LPN wage information reported by Skilled Nursing Facilities for the fiscal year ending in 2020 to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

The wage information for Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) in Rockwell City, IA is for informational purposes only. Average hourly and annual salaries are updated on this page as more data becomes available, so you are welcome to share or link to this webpage.

LPN Jobs in Rockwell City, IA

With over 24,727 hours worked by Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) employees at skilled nursing facilities from 2013-2021 in Rockwell City, combined with the increasing demand for experienced caregivers by in-home care agencies and senior living communities, LPN positions have become one the fastest growing occupations in the US. Let us help you find the best LPN jobs in Rockwell City, IA.

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Average Annual LPN Salaries
Rockwell City, IA

LPN salaries by year in Rockwell City
Year Avg Salary LPN Hours
2020 $146,640 1,327
2019 $44,637 2,782
2018 $41,933 2,182
2017 $39,770 2,159
2016 $38,126 3,032
2015 $36,837 5,522
2014 $37,690 3,161
2013 $33,862 4,562
Last Updated: August 1, 2022

Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Salaries by City in Iowa

Ackley Adel Afton Akron Albert City Albia Algona Allison Altoona Amana Ames Anamosa Anita Ankeny Aplington Armstrong Atlantic Audubon Aurelia Avoca Asbury Bancroft Battle Creek Baxter Bedford Belle Plaine Bellevue Belmond Bettendorf Bloomfield Boone Britt Brooklyn Buffalo Center Burlington Carlisle Carroll Cascade Cedar Falls Cedar Rapids Centerville Chariton Charles City Cherokee Clarence Clarinda Clarion Clarksville Clear Lake Clearfield Clinton Clive Co Bluffs Columbus Junction Conrad Coon Rapids Coralville Corning Correctionville Corydon Council Bluffs Cresco Creston Cedar Rapids Dallas Center Danville Davenport Dayton De Witt Decorah Denison Denver Des Moines Donnellson Dubuque Dumont Dunlap Dyersville Dysart Eagle Grove Earling Edgewood Eldora Elk Horn Elkader Elma Emmetsburg Estherville Exira Fairfield Fayette Fonda Fontanelle Forest City Fort Dodge Fort Madison Garner George Gladbrook Glenwood Gowrie Granger Greene Greenfield Grimes Grinnell Griswold Grundy Center Guthrie Center Guttenberg Hampton Harlan Hartley Hawarden Hiawatha Holstein Hubbard Hull Humboldt Ida Grove Independence Indianola Inwood Iowa City Iowa Falls Jefferson Johnston Kalona Kanawha Keokuk Keosauqua Keota Keystone Kingsley Knoxville La Porte City Lake City Lake Mills Lake Park Lake View Lamoni Lansing Laurens Le Mars Lenox Leon Lisbon Logan Lone Tree Madrid Malvern Manchester Manilla Manly Manning Manson Mapleton Maquoketa Marcus Marengo Marion Marshalltown Mason City Mc Gregor Mechanicsville Mediapolis Milford Missouri Valley Mitchellville Montezuma Monticello Montrose Morning Sun Mount Ayr Mount Pleasant Mount Vernon Muscatine Nevada New Hampton New London Newell Newton Nora Springs North English Northwood Norwalk Oakland Odebolt Oelwein Ogden Onawa Orange City Osage Osceola Oskaloosa Ossian Ottumwa Panora Pella Perry Pleasant Hill Pleasant Valley Pleasantville Pocahontas Polk City Pomeroy Postville Primghar Red Oak Reinbeck Remsen Riceville Rock Rapids Rock Valley Rockwell Rockwell City Ruthven Sac City Saint Ansgar Sanborn Sergeant Bluff Seymour Sheffield Sheldon Shell Rock Shenandoah Sibley Sidney Sigourney Sioux Center Sioux City Sioux Rapids Solon Spencer Spirit Lake Stacyville Stanton State Center Storm Lake Story City Stratford Strawberry Point Stuart Sumner Sutherland Tabor Tama Tipton Titonka Toledo Traer Tripoli Urbandale Villisca Vinton Wall Lake Wapello Washington Waterloo Waukee Waukon Waverly Wayland Webster City Wellman West Bend West Branch West Burlington West Des Moines West Liberty West Point West Union Wheatland Whiting Williamsburg Wilton Winfield Winterset Woodbine Zearing